While the PC finds the turmoil surrounding the Chair of the LBPSB to be regrettable and extremely disappointing, we will not allow this situation to deter us from fulfilling the most important aspect of our mandate: the facilitation of effective parent communication and collaboration towards the success of children across the LBPSB.
Moreover, we will continue to work diligently with both the Administration and the Council of Commissioners to that end; the LBPSB community is fortunate to have such dedicated groups of individuals who have in the past and will continue to play a critical role in the sustained success of the Parents’ Committee and that of our children. This unfortunate incident does not negate many years of joint efforts and achievements.
That being said, the PC has formally requested, and will pursue, a greater, sustainable level of transparency in the LBPSB Ethics Policy. We will also continue to keep an eye on this dossier, and look forward to the results of both the UPAC investigation as well as the report from Quebec’s Auditor General.
Shane Ross
LBPSB Parents' Committee Chair